How It All Goes Down
- "Cars are fast" (17.1) is the opening sentence of this chapter, so get ready for Bailey to get hit by one.
- Bailey chases a car until he hears a train.
- Uh-oh. Dog's going to get hit by a train…
- No, Bailey survives. Whew.
- Bailey says goodbye to Ethan again, but Grandpa takes him home.
- It's lonely on the Farm. Mom moves in—without Dad—and sometimes Ethan visits.
- But Bailey's only friend is Jasper the donkey.
- Time passes, and Bailey gets old and sick.
- Now it's time for Bailey to die. We knew it was going to happen in this chapter.
- The family takes Bailey to the vet, who is going to put him down.
- Ethan shows up right before Bailey dies and says, "I'm going to miss you, doodle dog" (17.74).
- Nothing like being called stupid right before you die, but it makes Bailey happy.
- The end.