How It All Goes Down
- Ethan puts a collar on Buddy. It used to belong to Bailey, "a pretty special dog" (31.6) from a long time ago.
- For Buddy, it's weird to be smelling his own old scent.
- Ethan can't bear to let a different dog wear the collar, so he gets Buddy his own.
- Buddy is happy to be back with Ethan, but he can't get past Ethan's overwhelming sadness.
- Buddy realizes that his purpose is to save, not just to find.
- Buddy thinks he can save Ethan by getting him a family.
- Buddy follows Carly home, where Hannah lives.
- Hannah reads Buddy's collar and sees that he belongs to Ethan Montgomery, somebody that she used to know.
- Hannah calls Ethan and explains that she has his dog.
- Ethan comes to get the dog, and the two catch up awkwardly.
- Hannah explains that she moved back two years ago. Her pregnant daughter Rachel and Rachel's husband are living with her temporarily while their house is being renovated.
- As he leaves, Ethan invites Hannah over for dinner.
- Hannah asks Ethan if he can cook now.
- "I heat things up, pretty well" (31.76), Ethan responds.
- That's how old people flirt.