How It All Goes Down
- Just kidding. Last chapter wasn't the end.
- Bailey, the Lazarus of dogs, is reborn yet again.
- This time, Bailey is a girl dog.
- Girl dog is adopted by a man named Jakob, who names her Elleya, "Swedish for 'moose'" (18.25).
- Better than Bullwinkle, we guess.
- Jakob calls her Ellie for short, and he trains her to find his friend Wally and lead Jakob to him.
- Jakob and Ellie do this a lot. Find Wally. Find Wally. Find Wally. Again and again. Does Ellie read these books for homework?
- It turns out Jakob is part of an elite canine police unit.
- One day, Jakob gets an alert over the radio.
- It's time for a mission more important than finding Wally.