A Gathering of Old Men Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Just don't start any trouble," Russ said. "I'm warning you."

            "The trouble already been started," Luke Will said. "When n*****s start shooting down white men in broad daylight, the trouble was started then."

            "We don't need your kind to settle it."

            "Somebody got to do it 'fore it gets out of hand," Luke Will said. "Next thing you know, they'll be raping the women."

            "That's how it is," Russ said to me. "If they can't get you one way, they'll bring in the women every time." (12.310-14)

Yup, Russ is right. That kind of logic was constantly used by racist whites to justify brutalizing innocent people of color. What does that tell you about whiteness and gender?

Quote #8

Then I saw Lou crawling fast on the other side of the house. He was crawling on his knees and elbows, crawling fast. Then something made him stop, and he looked under the house at me. It was dark under there, and it took him a good while to make me out.

            "Snookum, is that you under there?"

            "Yes, sir."

            "Don't you hear your Gram mon?"

            "Yes, sir."

            "Get to the back."

            I didn't answer him. I wasn't going back there either. Gram mon wasn't going to beat me for not hearing her the first time. (18.4-10)

As far as Snookum is concerned, his Aunt Glo is scarier than possibly getting hit by a stray bullet. Aunt Glo sure is tough, but were still not a hundred percent that she's tougher than Beulah Jackson.