A Little Less Girl Danielle "Dani" Spencer Quotes

"I don't understand what the big deal is." Dani was truly confounded by Blister's reaction.

"Old man Walker never talks to anyone. He just stands on his porch every morning making sure that no one disturbs his property. Not that anyone would with that beast on patrol." I stared straight ahead as I spoke to her. Her nearness always messed with my head, especially if I was looking at her incredible face.

"How do you know?" she asked.

"How do I know what?" I almost turned to face her, but I fought the urge.

"How do you know he was out keeping an eye on his property? Maybe he's just been waiting all this time for someone to wave to him." (17.13-17)

Dani's new to town, and that means she sees things that other folks in these parts don't. Avoiding Mr. Walker is a time-honored tradition, but Dani has no problem changing things up a bit. Way to be neighborly, Dani.

"Jake doesn't deserve any of the grief he's been given about Amy's death. She adored him, yes. And he said something stupid that I'll never forgive him for… I doubt he'll ever forgive himself, but he had never intended to hurt her. That I know for a fact. And my cousin was too damn smart to go dramatic and suicidal about a guy, any guy, even Jake West." (32.25)

Dani finally sticks up for Jake. She realizes that he's not the one to blame for Amy's death, and while she may never know what really happened, she knows Amy didn't kill herself because Jake West thought she wasn't thin enough. Amy was a stronger person than that.

"Your mom is pretty cool. Does she like it here?" I asked. "It seems kind of slow-paced for her."

A small grin tilted the corner of her mouth causing her scar to tip up with it. "My mom has suddenly taken to this relaxed style of life. I'm finding it all rather bizarre, but I'm trying not to think about it too much. I don't want to jinx it." We started walking back up the road.

I could see her beautiful profile under the hood of her sweatshirt. I had a terrible urge to grab her hand, but I stuck my own hands in my sweatshirt. "I hope you stay here. It's dull, but it's a nice place to call home, I guess." My own words surprised me but deep down I knew they were true. And listening to Dani talk about her life, I realized just how easy mine had been.

"All my life I've wanted to live the perfect family life, but I've never gotten close to it." (31.57-60)

Dani's mom is really warming up to Raynesville. She may have lived a wild life but this small town stuff is really growing on her. For Dani, Raynesville is pretty much a dream. Sure, she might not have the perfect family, but she does still have a pretty amazing home. Even Jake has to admit that this little town isn't so awful after all.