A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"That is why we need strong men and boys to help us fight these guys, so that we can keep this village safe. If you do not want to fight or help, that is fine. But you will not have rations and will not stay in this village. You are free to leave, because we only want people here who can help cook, prepare ammunition, and fight. There are enough women to run the kitchen, so we need the help of able boys and men to fight these rebels." (12.23)

Ishmael and his friends are given a difficult choice by Lieutenant Jabati, but it's not much of a choice at all. They don't have to fight, but then they won't be able to eat or stay in the safety of the village. It's only an illusion of choice, really.

Quote #8

"The rebels will kill anyone from this village because they will consider us their enemy, spies, or that we have sided with the other side of the war. That is what the staff sergeant said," Alhaji said, explaining the dilemma we faced. The rest of the boys, who were lying on their mats, got up and joined us as Alhaji continued: "It is better to stay here for now." He sighed. We had no choice. Leaving the village was as good as being dead. (12.25)

Ishmael pretty much sums it up here. They are completely helpless. When you have no freedom to act, it's easier to just hand over control to people who are making your choices for you.

Quote #9

It sickened me to see that Sierra Leoneans asked money from those who had come from the war. They were benefiting from people who were running for their lives. Why does one have to pay to leave his own country? I thought, but I couldn't argue. I had to pay the money. (21.36)

Ishmael is attempting to flee Sierra Leone and he's really upset by the guards who keep shaking down frightened people for money. They have power and they could have chosen to help people, but they don't. Ishmael can't do anything but accept it and pay the money. By now, he's used to being powerless.