A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

There were all kinds of stories told about the war that made it sound as if it was happening in a faraway and different land. It wasn't until refugees started passing through our town that we began to see that it was actually taking place in our country. Families who had walked hundreds of miles told how relatives had been killed and their houses burned. Some people felt sorry for them and offered them places to stay, but most of the refugees refused, because they said the war would eventually reach our town. […] At times I thought that some of the stories the passersby told were exaggerated. The only wars I knew of were those that I had read about in books or seen in movies such as Rambo: First Blood, and the one in neighboring Liberia that I had heard about on the BBC news. My imagination at ten years old didn't have the capacity to grasp what had taken away the happiness of the refugees. (1.1)

It's hard to imagine the realities of war before you've experienced it yourself. We've been lucky in the U.S. because, since the Civil War, we haven't experienced battle on our own soil. For Americans, war really has been far away. When the Twin Towers fell in 2001, many Americans said, "It's something like out of a movie." Europeans who saw it tended to think "It looks like when our city was bombed in WWII."

Quote #2

One of the messengers was a young man. They had carved their initials, RUF (Revolutionary United Front), on his body with a hot bayonet and chopped off all his fingers with the exception of his thumbs. The rebels called this mutilation "one love." Before the war, people raised a thumb to say "One love" to each other, an expression popularized by the love and influence of reggae music. (3.2)

This is just one of the many messed up things Ishmael will see over the next few years. And, yes, this is a real thing. Click here to see a picture of a survivor of this mutilation. Warning: the image is obviously really upsetting.

Quote #3

I wanted to blame someone for this particular predicament, but there was no one to be blamed. We had made a logical decision and it had come to this. It was a typical aspect of being in the war. Things changed rapidly in a matter of seconds and no one had any control over anything. We had yet to learn these things and implement survival tactics, which was what it came down to. That night we were so hungry that we stole people's food while they slept. It was the only way to get through the night. (4.6)

War changes everything; the old rules of life don't apply. The only thing that matters is survival. Ishmael wasn't a thief, but he had to become one.