A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Ishmael eventually ended up attending Oberlin College in Ohio where he took a writing class with author Dan Chaon. When Ishmael turned in stories about mutilating rival soldiers, his professor told him, "You either have a sick imagination or this stuff is true." And that's how his memoir writing began. (Source)

In 2007, Ishmael Beah was named UNICEF's first Advocate for Children Affected by War. (Source)

At one time, you could buy A Long Way Gone with your morning coffee at Starbucks. For each book sold, $2.00 would go to UNICEF.

Ishmael has returned to Sierra Leone a couple times to visit with ABC News in 2009 and to speak at the My World Conference in 2013. (Source)

In 1999, children made up 40-50% of the Sierra Leone rebel forces, and about 20% of the government forces. Ishmael got out, but tens of thousands of children didn't. (Source)