A Small Place Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

When the English outlawed the slave trade, the Barclay brother went into banking. It made them even richer. (2.2)

When you think about it, it's pretty ridiculous that a family of slave-owners managed to leverage their wealth into a successful banking empire. To be honest, though, that seems about par for the course in Antigua. Do you think this is the case elsewhere, too?

Quote #5

That part of St. John's was going to be developed, turned into little shops—boutiques—so that when tourists turned up they could buy all those awful things that tourists always buy. (3.1)

It's a simple fact: Tourists have more money than Antiguans. With that in mind, money-grubbing businesses ignore the citizens of their country in favor of getting their hands into the wallets of wealthy foreigners.

Quote #6

These offshore banks are popular in the West Indies. Only tourism itself is more important. Every government wants to have these banks, which are modelled on the banks in Switzerland. (3.6)

This quote points out the hypocrisy of the West when it comes to matters of money. Switzerland gets a lot of credit for being a so-called "neutral" country, but Swiss banks are making oodles of cash off of third-world dictators.