A Small Place Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

A food importer, a man from an old Antiguan family, regularly lends the government money. How does a food importer on a small island have enough money to lend to a government? (3.6)

That's a good question… So do you have an answer? If you ask us, things in Antigua are never what they seem—especially where money is concerned. There's no saying what this "food importer" actually does for a living.

Quote #8

Syrian and Lebanese nationals own large amounts of land in Antigua, and on the land […] they build condominiums. (3.6)

The only people who actually have money in Antigua come from other countries. Can you blame Antiguans for being resentful about that?

Quote #9

But some natives—most natives in the world—cannot go anywhere. They are too poor. They are too poor to go anywhere. (1.6)

There are relatively few people in the world that can afford an international vacation. Often, these wealthy people visit poor countries like Antigua without ever considering the reaction from locals.