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The Aeneid Events Quotes

Book 1

(Juno): "Give up what I began? Am I defeated? Am I impotent To keep the king of Teucrians from Italy? The Fates forbid me, am I to suppose?" (1.56-59)

Book 2

Then, even then, Cassandra's lips unsealed The doom to come: lips by a god's command Never to be believed or heeded by the Trojans. (2.330-332)

Book 3

(Helenus): 'Here are signs for you to keep in mind: When in anxiety by a stream apart Beneath shore oaks you find a giant sow, Snow-white, reclining there, suckling a litter Of thirty snow-white yo...

Book 4

The inward fire eats the soft marrow away, And the internal wound bleeds on in silence. (4.93-94)

Book 5

From all sides They came up, Teucrians with Sicilians mixed, Nisus and Euryalus in the lead— Euryalus exceptional for beauty And bloom of youth, whom Nisus dearly loved. (5.376-380)

Book 6

(The Sibyl): "So lift your eyes and search, and once you find it Pull away the bough. It will come willingly, Easily, if you are called by fate. If not, with all your strength you cannot conquer it...

Book 7

"Look, how we've devoured our tables even!" Iulus playfully said, and said no more, For that remark as soon as heard had meant The end of wandering: even as it fell From the speaker's lips, his fat...

Book 8

Knowing nothing of the events themselves, He felt joy in their pictures, taking up Upon his shoulder all the destined acts And fame of his descendants. (8.989-992)

Book 9

(Apollo): "Blessèd be Your new-found manhood, child. By striving so Men reach the stars, dear son of gods And sire of gods to come. All fated wars Will quiet down, and justly, in the end Under...

Book 10

(Jupiter): "If a reprieve is asked From imminent death, more time for the young man Before he falls – if so you understand me – Take Turnus off in flight, wrest him away From fate that...

Book 11

(Latinus): "Much earlier than this I should have wished—and wiser it would have been— To meet and take decisions in this crisis, Not with the enemy at the walls, as now." (11.410-413)

Book 12

(Juno): "While fortune seemed Compliant, and the Fates let power rest With Latium, your brother and your city Had my protection. Now I see the soldier Meeting a destiny beyond his strength: His doo...