Crewmembers of the Aurora

Character Analysis

Yes, Sir!

Although we know that there are hundreds of employees aboard the Aurora, we are given the names of only a select few. We have Chef Vlad, the oddly maniacal Swedish Chef of the Skies who becomes complicit in the plan to poison the pirates; Doc Halliday, the kindly doctor who treats everything from Baz's gunshot wound to Benjamin Malloy's pneumonia (some patients fare better than others); Mr. Featherstone, the Chief Wireless officer who gets shot by Szpirglas for trying to send a distress signal; Mr. Grantham, Navigator; Mr. Levy, Chief Sailmaker; Mr. Lisbon, Chief Steward; Mr. Riddihoff, 3rd Officer; and Mr. Rideau, the grumpy 1st Officer in charge during the Malloy rescue.

Did you guys notice there aren't any Ms. or Mrs. So-and-Sos? No wonder Kate feels like she's fighting an uphill battle.