Alanna: The First Adventure Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She dozed off during her meal. Gary steered her to a small library afterward, reminding her of the studying she had to do for the next day. He helped her with the poem, then left her on her own to deal with the mathematics. (2.134)

Gary's being a good friend to Alanna when she first arrives at the palace: he shows her around, makes sure she gets fed, and even helps her with her homework. That's a true friend for your—although, TBH, we think he'd be a little better if he'd stuck around to do her math.

Quote #5

George sighed and sat down. "I've known nobles who thought I should be grateful for their friendship—grateful enough to do them all sorts of favors. They wanted a kept thief, not a friend." (3.189)

Turns out there's a difference between a friend and someone who happens to owe you a favor. George tells Alanna that he tries to avoid nobles who want a pet thief to do their bidding. Aww. Wonder if he's fuzzy?

Quote #6

"He'll find out who stopped Jonathan from dying' durin' the Sweatin' Sickness. He'll make friends and sow favors. He'll take King's people and make them his people. He'll get rid of some who would never come to him. Then he'll strike." (6.264)

Brrrr. Someone turn up the heat, because George's description of Duke Roger's ambitions is ice cold. Duke Roger is making friends and sowing favors, all so he can call them in when he's ready to pursue his own goals—like, for example, taking over the throne.