Alex Cross's Trial Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Maybe you'll see that we ain't all monsters," he said. "We're just family men. We got to look out for our women and protect what's rightfully ours." (77.15)

Jacob claims this about the KKK. He believes there's nothing wrong with being a klansman because everyone in Eudora is. With that, Ben realizes just how different the two of them have become: Jacob is contributing to violence against Black people, while Ben is working hard to fight it.

Quote #5

"How could you do this? The one man I thought I could trust!" (78.4)

Here Ben questions Jacob at the Ku Klux Klan meeting. His shock shows just how betrayed Ben feels by his friend—they used to have a lot in common, but clearly they've gone their separate ways.

Quote #6

If Jacob hadn't been a friend my whole life, I would have punched him right then. "Listen to yourself, Jacob. You just killed a man. Do you hear me? You killed him." (80.11)

After the hanging, Ben tries to reason with Jacob, but it does no good. Check out what he says about Jacob being his friend his whole life—it's the only thing that stops Ben from sucker punching his buddy right in the face. Even though Jacob deceived him, Ben still thinks of him as a friend and treats him that way, too.