Alex Cross's Trial Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"And what you decide in that jury room will influence…for a very long time…the way we live our lives in this town." (123.7)

This comes to us straight from Judge Corbett to the jurors. He knows the weight of their decision and wants to make sure they understand it, too. Notice how he focuses on the impact the decision will have on their society, not on making a fair decision. Ugh.

Quote #8

I know that this might anger you, but I must tell the truth. I am convinced beyond any doubt that I am doing the right thing when I try to use my skills as a lawyer to help those who can't find justice anywhere else. (124.26)

Ben's letter to Meg is honest but gives her a tough pill to swallow. In it, he tells her that he cares about the work he's doing, because someone needs to give justice to Black people in a world where no one will.

Quote #9

"I know you're going to think I'm nothin' but a cold, ungrateful girl. But I don't just feel bad—I'm angry. Damn angry. Oh yeah, you did your best. And Mr. Curtis did his best. And Mr. Stringer spent all that money…but those murderers walked away free." (128.8)

After the trial, Moody gives it to Ben straight. She's ticked off. Yep, change takes time, and everyone worked really hard on the case, but it's not good enough—there's nothing fair about murderers walking away without getting in trouble. We couldn't agree more, Moody.