Alex Cross's Trial Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"That is right, gentlemen of the jury. A bedtime story. We have two versions being told here. Mr. Curtis has told you a fairy story, and I have told you the truth. As God above knows it to be!" (104.31)

Loophole Lewis manages to poke holes in Jonah and Ben's case, not because it's weak, but because he's used to spinning the truth to his advantage. He makes sure to call their side a tall tale so everyone recognizes the fiction in it. Truth can be distorted and manipulated until people aren't sure what's the truth and what's a lie.

Quote #8

In that steamy courtroom, ripe with the smell of sweat and Rose of Sharon eau de toilette, the good people of the Eudora Quarters took the stand and swore to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. And they did. And then Maxwell Lewis ripped them apart. (112.13)

During the trial, truth stands out. Why? For one thing, everyone is told to tell the truth on the stand. For another, Lewis is lying through his teeth left and right. It's sad for Ben to realize that the truth doesn't matter as much as a believable, well-told story in the courtroom.

Quote #9

"Oh, Moody. Those jurors have lived here their whole lives. They don't care who's telling the truth and who's lying! The phony warrant? Some of the jurors were probably down at the town hall when Eversman was writing it up." (115.25)

Jonah appreciates that Moody wants to help them, but he points out that she's misunderstanding things. After she lies on the stand to help their case, Jonah tells her that no one even cares about the truth of what happened that night, so there's no use in trying to uncover it or share it with anyone.