Alex Cross's Trial Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Suddenly, gentlemen, all is pandemonium—uproar and violence and chaos. Men firing guns everywhere. Glass flying. Women screaming. Suddenly there are men all around the house, trying to shoot their way in. Trying to kill the old man. Trying to kill his granddaughter." (103.14)

Jonah's retelling of what happened that night in the Quarter makes plain the destruction of the White Raiders. They weren't just there to "deliver a search warrant" like Loophole Lewis claims—instead they hurt a bunch of people for no reason at all. Senseless violence, anyone?

Quote #8

A rock came hurtling across the veranda to shatter the porcelain urn on a pedestal behind me. Another rock crashed through a stained-glass panel beside the front door. (110.4)

When L.J. helps Ben and Jonah with the trial, a mob shows up at his house, threatening his wife and daughter. It's clear that the other side uses violence to force people into submission, whereas Ben and posse only use it as a last resort.

Quote #9

"He had no choice. He saw the blood. He smelled it—that's how fresh it was. The blood of their victims was on the defendants' hands when we brought them to him. It was on the toes of their boots." (121.9)

The smell of blood is a particularly stomach-churning idea. We hear more and more details about the crime during the trial, complete with sights, smells, and sounds. It ain't pretty.