All the President's Men Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from All the President's Men.

Quote #4

WOODWARD: These are the notes?

BERSTEIN: I've got stuff on napkins, matchbooks…I'm writing in the bathroom while she's getting coffee. I'm a walking litter basket.

Once again, we see the younger reporters being scrappy to get their story. And we mean "scrappy" literally, as Bernstein writes on any scrap of paper he can get, determined to have hard notes to back up his story.

Quote #5

WOODWARD: We have got to go back there and try to get her to say it.

Eventually, the reporters can't take no for an answer. Between them and their anonymous sources, it's a clash to see who will cave first, and it isn't going to be our boys at the Post.