Alligator Bayou Foolishness and Folly Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.paragraph

Quote #4

He'll see how fancy we can be. With a new wood porch, white and clean. As good as his. […]

Wasting all that white paint—all that money—just to impress the doctor? (6.15-16)

Instead of listening to what Dr. Hodge has been asking, Francesco wants to impress him and make him think they are just as fancy as he is, and as such, that he shouldn't press Francesco to keep the goats penned. Even Calogero sees right through this plan.

Quote #5

"A snake will at least kill you fast. But a giant turtle'll take your foot off with a snap, then leave you to get eaten alive by whatever comes along next."

"Are they pulling our leg?" Cirone asks in Sicilian.

"They must be," I say back in Sicilian. "Only crazy people would go into swamps if it was that dangerous." But my heart's beating double time. (9.18-20)

Calo's beating heart lets us know that he's pretty uncertain about what's truth and what's exaggeration when it comes to the swamp creatures, but he foolishly convinces himself and Cirone that they must be joking in hopes of being accepted by this group of boys.

Quote #6

They laugh. Cirone is still cradling his foot in both hands, but he laughs. The idiots. And they're right. That horror—and now we're safe. Oh, yeah, I'm laughing—I'm laughing and laughing. (9.201)

The only good decision that comes out of this swamp trip is that Calogero decides to never ever do it again. But Cirone is not so smart…