Alligator Bayou Foolishness and Folly Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.paragraph

Quote #7

"How stupid can you be? You risk your life and you come home empty-handed?" Carlo shakes his head. (10.76)

Fair enough, Carlo—you risk life and limb, you might as well get some meals or money out of it. But Calo didn't go to the swamp hoping for anything but the experience and some friends. Is this foolish of Calo?

Quote #8

I sink to my knees in relief.

Joseph pulls me up by the arm. "You disguised your head. You disguised your horse. You look like someone up to no good. You are stupid."

And I'm laughing like a drunk man. "You could have killed me." (12.21-23)

Calo's still really young and doesn't understand a lot of stuff yet, so you can't blame him for making mistakes—but when a mistake almost kills him, yeah, it's kinda dumb.

Quote #9

Francesco gathers us. "Time to leave."

"It can't be." My voice comes out as a whine. I want to snatch it back, but I can't help it. The bowl I made is still in the wagon. (13.65-66)

Sometimes foolishness is just a rookie mistake. Inexperienced when it comes to giving ladies gifts, Calo foolishly spends Patricia's graduation party wanting to give her the present he brought her, but too nervous to actually do so. Sometime you've just gotta go for it, Shmoopsters.