
Not to be confused with the Alan Parsons Project, this is a comprehensive clearinghouse of biographic and photographic data.

Here's another super-fantastic repository of poetry, biography, interviews, and other resources for our man Allen.

We're not sure how comprehensive or even active this project is. We just think it's cool that someone converted an old camper into a Beat-themed rolling museum.

Here's a video montage of Ginsberg reading his poem, with Tom Waits accompanying him in the background.

Ever seen one of those still photos of authors reading their work, with super-imposed animated lips? Creepy, but hypnotic.

Here's an interview by Allan Gregg with an older Allen Ginsberg, who is rocking a full-on Cosby sweater.

Want to learn more about Allen and his literary buds? Check out this online documentary.

This is just great. It's Allen Ginsberg going on conservative pundit William Buckley's show and reading his poetry. Buckley starts off skeptical, but seems charmed by Ginsberg's genius at the end.

Think this poem is a downer? Check out the humor that Ginsberg injects into his reading (of a different version from the one we use here).

Here's a more sober reading of the poem for you moody Mollies.

Jackpot! This resource has a ton of Ginsberg recordings for you to enjoy.

Allen Ginsberg, plus Bob Dylan, plus… vomit. We just had to share this tune.

Allen wants you!

We really just enjoy the happiness beaming through that scraggly beard of his.
Articles and Interviews

This interview was done by the Paris Review, the be-all-end-all of writerliness.

Here's an interview Ginsberg did with Harper's magazine.

This super-awesome poetry website collects several interviews with Ginsberg here.

This one has most of the Ginsberg greats, if not all of them.

Ginsberg was also an avid photographer. Check out his visions here.

This is a great book is you want to see the poet's mind at work. It collects his writings, musings, and doodles while on a trip to India.
Movies & TV

Allen is played by Spiderman, oops we mean James Franco.

He'll be played by Harry Potter, oops we mean Daniel Radcliffe.

In this one, he's played by Tobias Fünke comedian David Cross.

The tagline reads: "Celebrity confessions about their first sexual experiences." Consider yourself warned.

A short film project Allen did with Gus Van Sant.

Starring Allen Ginsberg as…Allen Ginsberg.