An American Dream Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

And now I realized that the detective had seen me chatting with nothing less than a blonde. (3.68)

Rojack has the romantic self-control (and the subtlety) of Pepe Le Pew. While this looks like it'll put a dent in his story, the truth is that Rojack would probably be doing the same exact thing even if Deborah had committed suicide.

Quote #5

"And then she said, 'I didn't have cancer before. But in that hour I stood by the window, it began in me. I didn't jump and so my cells jumped.'" (3.209)

This is an example of Rojack blending his own experiences with his lies to make them seem more real. Remember: Rojack has these exact same thoughts himself when he is contemplating suicide at the start of the novel.

Quote #6

I began to shudder; the picture I had given was real to me. (3.219)

At this point, Rojack has told so many lies that he can't tell what's real anymore. In fact, this makes us wonder how real any of this is… Could he be lying to us, too?