How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
There would be the funeral […] and the first in a new thousand to twenty-two thousand lies. But I was like a wrecked mariner in the lull between two storms. (4.1)
Rojack has started a chain reaction and the only way to survive is to keep telling more and more lies. There's only one thing that could really stop this domino effect, however: the truth. But will Rojack ever become so desperate that he might consider doing something so unthinkable?
Quote #8
But we could not begin with a lie between us. It was if […] some message had come to me from the end of the world. (5.14)
After lying so much that his pants are incinerated, Rojack is desperate to find some sort of mental relief. In this way, Cherry represents a new start for Rojack, a life free of the deceit of his past. He holds true to this pact, too, telling Cherry the truth when she asks him if he killed Deborah.
Quote #9
"Your wife's death is sufficiently tragic without beginning to mention the unhappy… the dreadful… the ambiguous aspects of it all." (5.192)
Despite Rojack's plentiful lies, the truth is pretty readily apparent. He's like a dude with a bad toupee who's convinced that everyone believes he has a full head of luxurious hair. At a certain point, the only person that Rojack has successfully deceived is himself.