Animal Dreams Home and Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I remembered every toy, every birthday party, each one of these fifty mothers who'd been standing at the edges of my childhood, ready to make whatever contribution was needed at the time. [...] I was feeling a little more steady on my feet. I folded in the corners and drew it up into a bundle against my chest. About everything Hallie and I had ever done was with us there in the Domingos orchard. Everything we'd been I was now. (26.22-7)

This is the moment when Codi realizes that she's always had a family in Grace, even if she didn't remember it. This moment is deeply important to the narrative, and it's also a little complicated: for a person who likes the idea of being as free from materialism as a coyote, Codi's memories seem to be pretty soundly tied to stuff.