Animal Dreams Plants Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"You might want to have a garden here again someday. When this house is yours."


"You can't really approve of me staying, can you?" she demands, suddenly angry. "You raised me to turn my back on this place. That worked for you, but the difference is you knew it was really your home. You knew you had one. So you had a choice."

"That's all very well and good," he says, "but you still might want a garden. These artichoke bushes still produce. Every summer they bloom as if their hearts depended on it. Never mind that there was nobody taking in the harvest." He takes the tip of a silvery leaf between his fingers. It looks knifelike, but is yielding and soft. (27.9-19)

Doc for the symbolic win—he cuts through all of Codi's anger about old miseries to basically be like, Yeah, fine, you're mad, but you've still got everything here, and everything ahead of you, and it's totally going to be fine.