How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Since that time I have been wary of trying new foods that might upset my system, and I have never accepted food from someone I didn't fully trust. (15.30)
Enzo's distrust of taking food from strangers stems from his experience with Maxwell's hot peppers. We don't blame him—those things sound really unpleasant to eat.
Quote #2
"She likes the nuggets, she's just doing this because you're here. I'm not making her a new dinner every time she decides she doesn't like something." (14.54)
Eve's anger toward Denny and Zoë is less about Zoë's behavior toward her dinner and more about her anger toward Denny. Even's begun to feel ill here, and her fear of taking care of Zoë by herself makes her feel like Denny is undermining her parenting decisions. Simply asking Zoë why she didn't want her dinner would have probably made this whole thing avoidable, but hey, hindsight is 20/20.
Quote #3
[Denny] took such care with [Zoë's] peanut butter and banana sandwiches, slicing the banana so that each slice was exactly the same thickness. (24.6)
Again, here we see Denny catering to his daughter's needs and making sure that the food he makes her matches her preferences. His attention to small details like this shows how much he loves his daughter and how he'll always go the extra mile for her. It also explains his tenacity with the lawsuit: if Denny is focused and driven enough to painstakingly cut a banana, he's also focused and driven enough to slog through a three-year custody battle. A+ parenting, Denny.