The Art of Racing in the Rain Themes
Control sounds like it could be a scary theme, but in The Art of Racing in the Rain, what we're talking about is maintaining power over the self. This book's all about having the ability to make yo...
Money—who has it, who needs it, and how those who have it can exploit those who need it—plays a big role in The Art of Racing in the Rain. Take Trish and Maxwell, for example. They grill their...
Death is like that one topic that we don't want to talk about, ever. It's a natural part of life, sure, but it's not fun. It's scary, it's unknown, it's sad, and it signals an ending. There are a l...
Travel, Separation, and Distance
As they say, life's about the journey, not the destination. But since we're all going at different speeds, that also means it can be difficult to keep track of and hold on to each other, or even to...
Folks, The Art of Racing in the Rain is about a dog and his master. There's no way love is not going to be a huge theme in a book like that, and you know it. Lots of kinds of love come into play in...
The dictionary defines humanity as "the quality or state of being human." Um, no surprise there.But dictionary also defines humanity as "the quality and state of being humane." The Art of Racing in...
Those of you who have a dog already know that food is, like, maybe the number one thing on a dog's mind at all times. In The Art of Racing in the Rain, Enzo doesn't just think about food a lot; he...
The saying goes that when the going gets tough, you learn who your friends are, but you also learn who your real family is. Family is part of the human condition. When it comes right down to it, hu...