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Artemis Fowl The Environment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Although she was enjoying the night air, Holly could taste traces of pollutants. The Mud People destroyed everything they came into contact with. (3.167)

Since this little moment occurs immediately before Holly fires up a noisy, fume-emitting gas engine on her pair of wings, is it really possible to blanket all humans with the blame for pollution?

Quote #2

From the earth thine power flows, / Given through courtesy, so thanks are owed. (4.5)

This idea is brought out in the beginning of the book and never touched again—what kind of thanks? Is eating organic food and trying not to pollute enough of a thank you? Or is there something more active that would qualify as thanks here?

Quote #3

She called out to the dolphins and they rose to the surface […]. She could see the pollution in them, bleaching their skin white and giving them red sores on their backs. […] Mud People had a lot to answer for. (4.46)

It's obvious that the humans aren't busy restoring the oceans and the land, but it seems like the fairies should be able to step in and care for the animals they connect with.