Artemis Fowl Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The Fowls were not left destitute, far from it. But billionaire status was no longer theirs. Artemis the Second vowed to […] restore the family fortune. (2.73)

Here's a pretty giant question: why? They don't need it, and he doesn't ever seem to care much about the logistics of converting gold into cash, so maybe the whole family fortune thing is simply because Artemis feels obligated to share in the family legacy in some way.

Quote #5

The CNN site had been running for almost a year. Artemis was convinced that news of his father's rescue would come from there. Shutting it down meant that he was finally letting go. (2.79)

Is a new project all it took for Artemis to let go? What is it about exploiting the People that makes Artemis choose to stop the search for his father?

Quote #6

Beside her was a facsimile of his father, constructed from the morning suit he'd worn […]. The clothes were padded with tissue, and atop the dress shirt was a stuffed pillowcase with lipstick features. It was almost funny. (6.36)

Almost funny, except far too creepy to be funny.