Artemis Fowl Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Shut up about Mommy, will you? And the ironing. You're only on this mission because I requested you!" (6.225)

Grubb's not a super duper awesome officer, and the only reason to request him is that Trouble feels responsible for helping his career along. Unfortunately, just because he's family doesn't mean he's prepared for combat, and putting family first can sometimes really mean holding them back. 

Quote #8

It was possibly the first time he had ever abandoned Master Artemis in a time of crisis. But Juliet was family, and there was obviously something seriously wrong with his baby sister. (8.205)

Butler may be a surrogate father to Artemis, but this book claims that the blood relationship trumps everything—it keeps Butler from protecting Artemis and makes Artemis give up half the gold in exchange for his mother's sanity.

Quote #9

Juliet was alive, it was true. […] Every brain cell in his head screamed for him to pull the trigger. But Juliet was alive. (8.338)

Deep down at the core of family loyalty (especially in Butler) is a survival instinct that says that keeping your family alive is the most important thing. So why does Artemis so easily stop the search for his father?