Artemis Fowl Morality (or Moral Ambiguity) Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He hadn't expected the fairy to appear so… human. Until now, they had merely been quarry. Animals to be hunted. But now, seeing one like this, in obvious discomfort—it changed things. (6.3)

Artemis says it changes things that fairies look so familiar, but we're not convinced, since it doesn't change how he manipulates Holly, crushes her spirit, or has Butler attack the LEP.

Quote #5

Better to let the hostage believe that she had betrayed her own people. It would lower her morale, make her more susceptible to his mind games. Still, the ruse disturbed him. It was undeniably cruel. (6.87)

It's interesting that though Artemis is disturbed by his own actions, he follows through with them anyway.

Quote #6

There was a time when Retrieval blasted first and answered questions never. But not anymore. Now there was always some do-gooder civilian banging on about civil rights. Even for humans, if you can believe it. (6.259)

This is a classic problem in law enforcement—is it possible to fight crime and protect the interests of the people (or the People) while also treating criminals and victims as though they are themselves people?