Artemis Fowl Morality (or Moral Ambiguity) Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He spared a moment to check on his mother. Sometimes it bothered him having a camera in her room; it seemed almost like spying. But it was for her own good. (6.325)

It appears that Angeline Fowl is usually doped up on sleeping pills, and there's no evidence to suggest she will hurt herself, so we're not sure how having a camera in her room is for her own good. It seems equally like it's there to spare Artemis from having to make a trip upstairs.  

Quote #8

A dubious individual, even by Artemis Fowl's standards. As if this account didn't already suffer from an overdose of amoral individuals. (7.1)

In one of the more ambiguous examples of moral voice in the book, someone speaks up here about the large number of criminals in the story. Is this supposed to be representing our feelings?

Quote #9

"This is all politics to you, Cudgeon. A nice feather in your cap on the way to a Council seat. You make me sick." (8.105)

Cudgeon ends up being obviously the least likable character in the book because he pretends to do things out of morality but is really just self-interested. At least Artemis is open about who he is.