Artemis Fowl Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

There was a human before her, casually spouting sacred secrets. This was disastrous. Catastrophic. [...] If the humans were aware of a fairy subculture, it was only a matter of time before the two species went to war. (4.83)

The People existed before human societies, so suggesting that fairy culture is a derivative of some other culture—which the word subculture implies—is inaccurate and offensive. 

Quote #5

The elf/goblin combo watched as Root disappeared in a cloud of cigar smoke. (5.161) 

If you blink, you'll miss it, but this is the only time we get proof that the fairy folk can and do mate across racial lines. And calling it an "elf/goblin combo" is not exactly a great way of embracing this fact.

Quote #6

The goblin/dwarf turf war was flaring up at the moment and some bright spark LEP elf had seen fit to put him in a cell with a gang of psyched-up goblins. (7.6)

The term "turf war" suggests that there is a long history of racialized gang violence between goblins and dwarfs, and that the LEP elves are so out of it that they don't care whether they're contributing to the problem.