Artemis Fowl Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He'd seen it too many times in the back alleys. A group of goblins would corner a stray brother dwarf, pin him down, and then the leader would give him the double barrels straight to the face. (7.39)

The implication here is that gangs of goblins find dwarfs alone and fry them. Ugh.

Quote #8

"You opted to send in a lapsed creature. So now I'm going to." (8.81)

Magic is evidently another dimension that adds to the division between races—Mulch is referred to as a "lapsed creature" in the same breath as a troll, which isn't capable of speech or higher thought, simply because he no longer has magical abilities like the LEP elves do.

Quote #9

"A casualty of war? How can you say that? A life is a life." (9.224)

Unlike pretty much everyone else, Holly points out that race doesn't matter when you're talking about murder. Somewhere along the line she must have grown out of her disinterest in saving humans, perhaps because she spent real time with a range of them.