Beauty Queens Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph), For Prologue: (P.Paragraph), For Epilogue: (E.Paragraph), For footnotes: (Chapter.F.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Nicole is no traitor," Shanti growled. "Or are you going to profile me next?" "Knew you'd have my back." Nicole stood with Shanti. (20.67-68)

Hard to believe that Shanti and Nicole used to have a bad relationship. Now, they're sticking together against racism. Powerful stuff.

Quote #8

When her friend had cried herself to sleep, Mary Lou covered her with a palm frond and marched toward the camp. Her strides took on purpose as if her feet were marking a path through the cornfields where wild girls ran unconstrained—and where they hid themselves when the world judged them for their agency. Her palms prickled. Her skin warmed. The wild girl was coming alive. The pack protecting its own. (23.30)

This is the first time where the idea of the "wild girl" isn't about Mary Lou's sexuality. She has a different kind of ferocity when someone messes with her friend. And it shows her that wildness ain't all that bad.

Quote #9

"Oh, and my friends need to come, too. We're girls. We travel in packs."
"Unbelievable," Petra whispered in awe.
The girls emerged from their hiding place. The guard held up a hand.
"I can't let all of you inside."
"You have to let Petra come in because she's my best friend," Tiara said.
"And you have to let me in because I have my period," Adina said.
"And you have to let me and Shanti in or else you're totally racist." Nicole glared.
"You have to let me in or I'll cry," Jennifer said, working up tears. (29.66-73)

It's kind of amazing how the beauty queens work together to make the guards think they're harmless. Capitalizing on stereotypes can come in handy, sometimes.