Beauty Queens Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Beauty Queens? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. When Nicole confronts Shanti, what does she compare her to?

A lip gloss with no top
A giant snake
An innocent baby
A window display for an empty store
Q. What is the phrase the beauty queens use to indicate that one of their ranks has died?

Kicked the bucket
No longer participating in the pageant system
Gone to sparkly Heaven
Permanently fainted
Q. What does Taylor say to Adina during their final conversation?

"Get on out there and give 'em hell."
"They don't know what a pageant girl can do."
"The Corporation was right all along."
"They make it so hard for us to love ourselves."
Q. When asked about her life goals, which Teen Dreamer wishes she could tell the judges, "I'm still figuring it out"?

Mary Lou
Q. What does Sinjin say when he finds out Petra is biologically male?
