Beauty Queens Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Beauty Queens? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. In order to survive, what must the Teen Dreams eat?

Lady 'Stache Off
Q. The morning after Mary Lou loses her purity ring, what does she do?

Eats everyone else's food
Has sex
Hides from the rest of the girls in shame
Runs naked through the jungle
Q. Shanti and Nicole become friends after they survive…

A monsoon
A racist comment
A giant snake attack
Q. Why didn't Tiara tell her group that the fruit she ate was making her hallucinate?

She thought they would think she was weak.
She thought they had all turned into giant snakes.
She didn't want to bug them.
She was afraid they'd be mad at her.
Q. In the jungle, Sosie decided that she was tired of being…

A sweet deaf girl mascot
Angry at everyone
A dancer
The prettiest deaf girl