Beauty Queens Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph), For Prologue: (P.Paragraph), For Epilogue: (E.Paragraph), For footnotes: (Chapter.F.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Despite being unable to move, both Shanti and Nicole managed to free their hands for one last, sisters-in-non-white-dominant-culture-solidarity hand clasp. It was a very cool hand clasp, the kind white kids across America will try to emulate in about six months, just before an avant-garde white pop starlet turns it into a hit single and makes lots of money. (16.96)

See also: twerking.

Quote #8

Afterward, she stood with her mother in the busy Doubletree Hotel hallway, girls posing and pirouetting all around, while her mother talked to the coach. "What can she do to improve her chances? What are the judges looking for?" her mother had asked. The coach had hemmed and hawed and looked uncomfortable. "Don't be too ethnic," she'd finally said. And Nicole felt her mother's hand tighten on her shoulder for a second, saw the pull at her jaw. "Thank you," her mother had said. They'd walked in silence to the car. (17.31)

In case you were still wondering whether Nicole was lying when she claimed in the beginning that she didn't think the pageant was racist, here's your proof. Nicole got to Miss Teen Dream by following the coach's advice.

Quote #9

"What happened to the people who used to live here?" Shanti asked.
"To places where relocated people go. Trust me, they're better off," Ms. Smith said crisply. (28.41-44)

This corporate employee gives the ultimate non-answer here. She doesn't think of the indigenous people of the island as important, so she has no idea where they were even sent to live. But she's certain they're better off—who wouldn't be when a white Corporation comes along and takes charge?