Beetlejuice Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Beetlejuice.

Quote #4

LYDIA: What happened to the people that used to live here?

JANE'S DAUGHTER: They drowned.

JANE: Yes, they were family. I was devastated. Here, take that.

LYDIA: Is this the key to the attic?

JANE: That's a skeleton key. That key will open any door in the house. Give that to your father. And you might mention that I single-handedly decorated that house in case he needs any advice in that arena have him come see me.

Yeah, Jane seems real devastated. Wonder if she waited until after the funeral to get the house listed for sale.

Quote #5


CHARLES: Can't you see I'm relaxing in here?

LYDIA: Well, I want to tell you what I saw.

CHARLES: What is the point of my coming here up if you people won't let me relax? Pumpkin, sweetheart... go help your mother.

LYDIA: Maybe you can relax in a haunted house, but I can't.

If you can't get your dad's attention by telling him his house is haunted, it's pretty hopeless. Charles stopped taking Lydia seriously long ago, it seems.

Quote #6

CHARLES: Lydia, is Connecticut so boring? I had Maxie Dean on the phone, honey. Dad's found a way of making some money while I relax, so would you scram? Your mother's gonna kill you when she sees you cut holes in her $300 sheets.

Charles can't tell a real ghost when he sees one; it's not Lydia dressed in a sheet—it's Adam. He makes his priorities real clear here: money over his daughter.