Belle Prater's Boy Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Later Grandpa came over to see me in my room and brought me a big piece of chocolate cake and a glass of milk. He didn't even mention my hair, but he confided in me that Woodrow had thrashed Buzz soundly, and it was about time somebody did. We were proud of Woodrow, but we decided to keep it a secret, because you couldn't let a thing like that leak out. (19.26)

Gypsy and her family remain tight-knit, supporting each other even when one of them does something that's technically wrong. Grandpa even tells her that he's proud of Woodrow for getting into a fight at school.

Quote #8

I caught Woodrow's eye and gave him a quick wink. A funny smile was playing around the corners of his mouth, and I could almost hear him saying, "Nice goin', Gypsy."

I think in that moment I knew me and Woodrow would be friends for life. We had something. We understood each other. (20.51-52)

The nice thing about having family is around is that they're going to be there for life. Gypsy knows that having a cousin like Woodrow is definitely a gift—these two just understand and support each other no matter what.

Quote #9

"Boys at the hardware store is like family to me," Benny said. "I live in a room up over the store, y'know. I have your mama and poppy to thank for that, Gypsy." (21.25)

Blind Benny is so loyal to Amos because he gave Benny what he'd never had before—a caring family. Even though the guys who work at the hardware store aren't actually related to Blind Benny, they're the closest thing he has to a real family, and they look after him no matter what.