Black Like Me Hypocrisy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Entry. Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You mean a white driver! Take a Negro passenger?" I asked. "Yeah." "They wouldn't in New Orleans… They said they weren't allowed to." "They're allowed to do anything to get your dime here," he said. (10.210)

So taking black people's money is fine, but letting them have jobs so that they can make that money isn't?

Quote #5

He cannot understand how the white man can show the most demeaning aspects of his nature and at the same time delude himself into thinking he is inherently superior. To the Negro who sees this element of the white man's name—and he sees it much more often than any other—the white man's comments about the Negro's alleged "immorality" ring maddeningly hollow. (12.27)

Why do you think these white men feel that it's okay to show their dark sides to black people?

Quote #6

He appeared astonished and delighted, not at what I said but at the fact that I could say it. His whole attitude of enthusiasm practically shouted, "Why, you talk intelligently!" He was so obtuse he did not realize the implied insult in his astonishment that a black man could do anything but say "yes sir" and mumble four-letter words. (12.62)

Amazing. I wonder what he would say if he knew that black people could run America. We bet it would look something like this.