Black Like Me Hypocrisy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Entry. Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Well, they sure as hell do. We figure we're doing you people a favor to get some white blood in your kids." The grotesque hypocrisy slapped me as it does all Negroes. It is worth remembering when the white man talks of the Negro's lack of sexual morality, or when he speaks with horror about mongrelization and with fervor about racial purity. Mongrelization is already a widespread reality in the South—it has been exclusively the white man's contribution to the Southern Way of Life. His vast concern for ""racial purity" obviously does not extend to all races. (15.25)

Remember kids, eugenics is totally racism, not really science, and doesn't really make any sense. The more you know.

Quote #8

"Wait a minute, dammit. You people are my brothers. It's people like me that are your only hope. How do you expect me to observe if you won't talk to me?" (20.24)

Of course. This white guy attempting to observe black university students is the only hope of the entire race. Because they can't, you know, stand up for themselves.

Quote #9

The unpardonable had been said. The white man, despite his protestations of brotherhood, had made the first dirty suggestion that came to his mind. He was probably unaware of it but it escaped none of us. By the very tone of his question he revealed his contempt for us. His voice had taken on a hard edge, putting us in our place, as they say. He had become just like the whites he decried. (20.45)

This guy is the same dude in the previous quote. We knew that this was going to happen. You know how? Say it with us: Because paternalism is still just racism.