The Black Prince Marriage Quotes

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Quote #10

You see, this is one of the unfair things that married couples sometimes do, I'm afraid. They give sympathy to people, or they seek for sympathy, and then they run straight home and tell each other all about it. I've never deceived Arnold for a moment and he's never deceived me. Perhaps outsiders don't understand, perhaps they can't. A good marriage is very strong and flexible, it's tough. You spoke about betrayal and resentment. I'm afraid it's rather you who have been betrayed and who may have to bear the burden of resentment. […] Married people do sometimes victimize unmarried people in this way, one is just so lucky. (3.13.127)

In Bradley Pearson's view, how honest was Rachel Baffin being when she made these comments? Was she simply lying in order to twist the knife a little more deeply, or had she become deluded enough to believe she was telling the truth?