Blazing Saddles Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Blazing Saddles.

Quote #4

BART: Now, before the sun comes up we're going to build on this site an exact replica of the town of Rock Ridge.

It seems like an insane idea at first. But with plenty of materials and plenty of people, Bart is able to create a complete copy of the town of Rock Ridge for Hedley Lamarr's army to destroy. Now it doesn't matter if Hedley has the strength of the whole world on his side. None of it will matter if his men attack the wrong town.

Quote #5

BART: Candy-gram for Mongo!

Jim tells Bart not to bother shooting Mongo with his pistol because it'll only make Mongo mad. So it makes sense that Bart would try to use his brains to take out the villain. That's when he comes up with the Bugs Bunny-ish plot of creating an explosive box of chocolates and delivering it to Mongo. Mel Brooks completes this little shout-out to Looney Tunes by playing the show's theme song as Bart walks away.

Quote #6

BART: Hold it! The next man makes a move, the n***** gets it!

When the people of Rock Ridge get ready to kill Bart, he decides that the only way to get out of the jam is by using trickery. So he puts a gun to his own head and changes his voice so that he basically takes himself hostage. The sudden bit of reverse psychology totally works, as the townsfolk put down their guns and Bart walks away until he's safe in his sheriff's office.