Blazing Saddles Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Blazing Saddles.

Quote #7

BART: He was nothing. The b**** was inventing the candy-gram. And they probably won't give me credit for it.

As Bart tells Jim, it wasn't hard to take out Mongo with an exploding box. In his words, the toughest part was inventing the candy-gram, which is director Mel Brooks' way of saying, "Of course there were no candy-grams back in the Old West." Yeah, we were sad to find that out too.

Quote #8

HEDLEY: A plan. A plan. We need a plan.

Hedley Lamarr is always the man with a plan. He doesn't have any real strength or physical skills, so he tries to use his cleverness to beat his adversaries. The only problem is that every time he has a plan, Bart has an even cleverer plan.

Quote #9

BART: I want you to get all the brothers together, round up all the lumber, canvas, paint and nails you can lay your hands on and meet me tonight three miles due east of Rock Ridge at midnight.

Yup, that's right. Bart's plan for outsmarting Hedley Lamarr is to build a complete replica of Rock Ridge for Hedley's men to attack. The plot ends up working too, as Hedley's men ride straight into the trap and end up getting blown to bits by the bombs Bart has planted in the fake town.