How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Before Emmi was born, when Ma was still alive an everythin was happy [...] I didn't think there could be anybody ever lived who was taller or smarter'n our pa. (1.13)
Saba's family has seen better days. We might argue that she has an overly idealized view of the past to a degree, but there's no disputing that they're in a rough spot. With Ma gone and Pa mentally absent, the kids are left to fend for themselves, which is a lot easier said than done in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
Quote #2
Fer a long time, I couldn't stand even lookin at her. When Lugh says I shouldn't be so hard on her, I says that if it warn't fer Emmi, Ma 'ud still be alive. (1.70)
Saba makes no bones about the fact that she blames Emmi for their mom's death. That's pretty messed up. We love Saba and all, but the way she treats Emmi is our least favorite aspect of her character. For real. It makes us cringe harder than an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Quote #3
I wanna leave her by the side of the track an ferget she ever got born. I wish she'd disappear offa the face of th'earth. (2.42)
Tell us how you really feel, Saba. If you thought that the relationship between her and Emmi was tense before, just wait until you see how bad things get after Lugh is kidnapped. Without him to act as a go-between, things get downright nasty.