How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
I hold my hands away from me, stiff. At first, from shock. But now to keep 'em away from Jack. They're itchin to touch him. All over. (8.507)
That didn't take much, huh? As much as Saba wants to hide from her feelings, or even pretend that they don't exist, she's not going to be able to withstand Jack's advances. And why should she? What's keeping her from just diving straight into the deep end?
Quote #8
A flutter in my belly. Jack gone. Not bein able to see him no more. I hadn't really thought about it before now. What might happen after we find Lugh. (8.706)
Well, we've got a spoiler for you, Saba: you're going to get really, really sad. Like, you're going to relate to Adele lyrics for the first time. That's how sad you're going to be. Given that this is Saba's first experience with romance, however, we'll cut her a break for being so out of touch with her feelings.
Quote #9
Suddenly I see him. Not the Jack of the jokes an the flirtin and the shyin away. The real Jack. The...truth of him. The stillness at the heart of him. (9.74)
Saba frequently refers to the "stillness" at the center of Jack. That's kind of odd given that the dude is a charming, loquacious con artist, right? More than anything, this gives us the sense that Saba is looking past Jack's exterior and truly getting to know the person underneath.