How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Sheriff Johnson […] controlled the selection of the grand jury and saw to it that everyone chosen to serve was "safe." (4.21)
That's a tricky move, Mr. Johnson. By now, Atlantic City's leaders have developed a finely-tuned ability to spin every situation to their own benefit, even going as far as rigging grand juries. Crimes don't even get to trial because they're so good at clogging up the courts.
Quote #5
Kuehnle was corrupt, but he had a vision for his town's future and he worked the levers of power to make that vision a reality. (4.38)
If it makes you feel any better, all of this manipulation is done for a good cause. Well, maybe not a good cause, by a cause nonetheless. Kuehnle is different than the men who follow him, as he creates the playbook that they will follow during their own paths to prominence.
Quote #6
Unlike the Commodore, Nucky was an organizer. His flamboyant lifestyle camouflaged a calculating mind, figuring angles and planning his moves constantly. (5.63)
Unlike his predecessor, Nucky grew up within the Atlantic City political machine. Kuehnle had to figure things out as he went along, but Nucky has been planning for this moment all his life. The manipulative nature of Atlantic City politics is about to be kicked into overdrive with this new ambitious leader at the helm.