How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
No other group in the American population—including new immigrants from Europe—had such a large proportion of its members in such menial employment. (3.13)
That's the truth. Atlantic City eventually becomes home to many of these ethnic groups, including Jewish, Italian, and Irish immigrants, all three of which play a prominent role in the development of Atlantic City. Black residents, on the other hand, have a radically different experience.
Quote #5
New Jersey's reaction to Lincoln's election in 1860 included talk of secession. (3.20)
Despite modern stereotypes, there's no magic dividing line between the North and the South. Though it seems more equal on the surface, the Northeast can be just as racist as the Deep South.
Quote #6
As a result, the Atlantic City tourist economy provided Black workers with the ability to move from one type of job to another. (3.21)
It might not be much, but it's something. In other Northern cities, black workers are generally forced to work as personal servants, giving them no opportunity to rise in the ranks of a business. They might be doing the same type of work in Atlantic City, but at least they have the opportunity to get a promotion.