How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Bound in service to machines from dawn to dusk, these unskilled workers were part of a system that had no regard for the Old World order of apprentice-journeyman-master. (4.11)
Although industrialization is beneficial in many ways, there are plenty of downsides as well. In the old system, workers could expect to rise in the ranks as a craftsman if they were willing to put in the work—in this new one, however, they're simply another moving part in a giant machine. After all, what skills are they building by working in an assembly line all day?
Quote #8
The new industrial world broadened the gap between rich and poor by emphasizing the role that capital played in the control of one's life. (4.11)
The industrial age also changes the way that the economy functions. Although working class families are doing better than ever before, it's nothing compared to wealthy factory owners and businessmen. Those dudes are just going to get richer and richer.
Quote #9
The Great Depression brought hard times to Atlantic City […] Vacations were one of the first things to go when the American economy collapsed. (6.4)
What goes up must come down, and the Great Depression upends the American economy, erasing nearly a century's worth of economic growth in a moment. Remember how the rise of industrialization gave working class families a bit of extra cash flow? Well, that cash flow is now stuffed up.